Our work as an affiliated research institute at Mount Royal University includes:
- Enhancing students' exposure to interdisciplinary research through student mentorship, student volunteer opportunities, class lectures and case studies
- Linking MRU students and faculty into partnerships they would not otherwise have access to
- Enhancing MRU's culture of innovation through our interdisciplinary, non-partisan and applied approach to research
- Providing employment opportunities, both short and longer term, for students across campus, creating capstone integrated work learning experiences
- Engaging communities in innovative and productive partnerships - Miistakis is currently engaged with over 100 academic, government, industry, landowner, and ENGO partners
- Accessing funding and partnership sources that do not draw on MRU's resources, bringing both research opportunities and research credibility back to the MRU community
- Enhancing MRU's profile of community engaged change-making - Miistakis acts as a conduit for collaboration and engagement between Mount Royal University and community partners
- Contributing to the academic scholarship of MRU through peer-reviewed submissions
- Off ering unique opportunities for students to get work and research experience that is 'outside' the University, but physically on campus