
Fall 2024

Newsletter Archive


Connecting People and Science

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The Citizen Science Alberta Community of Practice (CitSci Alberta) is made up of almost 400 dedicated practitioners who are keen to build capacity and tools for citizen science, expand the use of citizen science data, and grow our community of practice. The group is hosting a series of events in October and hope you will join us. The in-person workshop is an opportunity to network and establish pathways to fostering community engagement, accessibility, and credibility in monitoring and science.

Workshop, October 30, 2024, 9:00 am - 4:30 pm

Citizen Science & Policy: Monitoring to Drive Change

Bison Lodge, Edmonton, Alberta

At the session, guest speakers Danah Duke and Krista Tremblett will share success stories and strategies on monitoring to advance policy and stewardship. Danah is the Executive Director at the Miistakis Institute, and Krista Tremblett is Senior Manager of Community-Based Monitoring and Knowledge at Environment and Protected Areas. The new CitSci Alberta collaboration hub will be showcased, and we will workshop opportunities to meet our goals as a community of practice and advance citizen science in the province.

Register Today

Webinar Wednesdays

Leading up to the in-person workshop, please join us for a series of webinars in October:

About the Citizen Science Events

CitSciAlberta COP Steering Committee

  • Meghan Jacklin - Edmonton and Area Land Trust
  • Nicole Kimmel - Environment and Protected Areas
  • Tracy Lee - Miistakis Institute
  • Kristyn Mayner - Office of the Chief Scientist
  • Catherine Peirce - Battle River Watershed Alliance
  • Bradley Peters - Alberta Lake Management Society, Chair
  • Krista Tremblett - Environment and Protect Areas
  • Zoey Wang - Environment and Protected Areas
  • Stephanie Weizenbach - Nature Alberta

Event Sponsors

Office of the Chief Scientist, Government of Alberta
Change for Climate, Edmonton