
Spring 2018

Newsletter Archive


Alberta Beaver Survey Comprehensive Data Report

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The "Putting Beavers to Work for Watershed Resiliency and Restoration" collaborative has been exploring the role that beavers can play in watershed resiliency and restoration in Alberta. To date, the collaborative has focused its efforts on generating awareness about the role of beavers as ecosystem engineers and promoting coexistence through the demonstration and implementation of various coexistence tools. In the summer of 2017 the collaborative conducted an Alberta-wide beaver survey to better understand Albertans' knowledge and perceptions about beavers, their habitat, and their management.

We want to pass on a sincere THANK YOU to all who participated in the survey and aided with the distribution of the survey.

The survey report has been completed and can be found by clicking here.

For additional information and resources on beaver ecology, research, and management, please check out our Putting Beavers to Work website.

If you have any questions or comments please email holly@rockies.ca.