
Spring 2018

Newsletter Archive


Community Conserve Products Roll Out

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The Community Conserve team has been busy! Several products created under Community Conserve have been released over the last two months, with a few more to come this spring.

(Community Conserve is a partnership of the Miistakis Institute and the Environmental Law Centre, with the support of the Alberta Urban Municipalities Association and the Rural Municipalities of Alberta)

Completed projects to date:

We've also created some helpful (and quick) 'How-to' videos to assist with streamlining the Community Conserve process. Look for these icons on the Home Page.

Taking a step back, if you are new to Community Conserve, it's essentially crowd-sourcing for conservation at the municipal scale. Community Conserve helps municipalities pool their resources to address conservation and environmental issues of common concern. The steps in the process - Posting an Idea, Voting, Funding, Seeing the Results - all happen through the Community Conserve web site.

Community Conserve only works if municipal personnel participate. Post ideas, and vote on the ideas already there - no registration required!

The Community Conserve team converts the ideas with the most votes into Project Plans, and posts them back on the site.

If a Project Plan looks like it will help your municipality, and you think you can help fund it, go to Fund a Project and let Community Conserve know you are thinking about it.

Go to www.communityconserve.ca