
Spring 2021

Newsletter Archive


Community Conserve has Been Renovating!

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Like an older house with 'good bones', Community Conserve has a solid foundation, but needed some remodelling.

The paint has dried, and we are welcoming you back to the same address (www.communityconserve.ca) to see what's new.

Community Conserve is a place Alberta municipalities can access well-researched environment and conservation information, share ideas, and even pool resources

The remodelled Community Conserve has an expanded resource library (a 200% increase), improved search capabilities, and a tighter mandate. The goal is still the same (support municipalities in their environment and conservation work), the price is the same (free), and the support functions are still there (an Ideas Forum and facilitation for Resource Pooling).

Why did it Change?

Since we launched Community Conserve, we have been evaluating it. Our assessment told us some things were working and some things were not. Since our goal is not “have a web site" but rather “support municipalities in their environment and conservation work" we zeroed in on changes that better support that goal.

What's Staying the Same?

It's important to know what is NOT changing!

  • Community Conserve is still a collaboration between the Miistakis Institute and the Environmental Law Centre, with the support of the Alberta Urban Municipalities Association and Rural Municipalities of Alberta
  • Web site is still the platform (www.communityconserve.ca)
  • Will still collect ideas from municipal personnel (and posts will still be anonymous)
  • You still vote on the ideas in the Forum
  • Ability to pool funds is still there (just not the focus)
  • All completed projects are still available free of charge