
Summer 2021

Newsletter Archive


Community Conserve Webinar

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Join us for a webinar on June 29!

Join the Miistakis Institute and the Environmental Law Centre for a webinar, June 29 from 12:00-1:00pm, showcasing the renovated Community Conserve platform and four newly completed resources for municipalities:

  • Roadside Management for Pollinator Habitat in Alberta
  • Municipal Planning and Environment Autonomy: An update on provincial paramountcy and its implications for progressive environmental planning and decision making
  • Environmental Reserves and Environmental Reserve Easements: A discussion of regulatory context and application
  • Paying for Conservation: Municipal powers to generate revenue for conservation

Please register for the webinar at the following link, after registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_X6zWjWAzQVa2TrImzCLivw

Community Conserve was created to generate the environment and conservation research that municipalities need.