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Winter 2014

Newsletter Archive


Got Beavers? Workshop for Land Owners & Managers

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Are you a landowner or land manager who wants to:

  • learn more about the role of beavers and the effects that they can have on our landscape;
  • discuss options and alternatives for beaver management; or
  • explore potential means to co-exist with beavers?

Well, this is your chance to participate! In partnership with Cows and Fish and the Ann & Sandy Cross Conservation Area, we plan to share this information through workshops geared toward landowners and managers, municipal staff and politicians, and watershed stewards. These workshops will provide information on the role and importance of beaver activity on the landscape, techniques and technology (e.g., beaver deceivers) to enable co-existence with beavers, and discussion of successful reintroductions elsewhere and what is possible here in Alberta. If you are interested in attending one of our inaugural workshops this spring, or want more information, please send an email to rachelle@rockies.ca.