
Winter 2020

Newsletter Archive


Executive Director Message

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I think many of us are feeling like the end of 2020 can't come fast enough. It has been a year of tremendous loss, uncertainty, isolation and frustration. Throughout 2020 Miistakis, while working remotely, dug deep and continued our work to undertake innovative research addressing biodiversity, connectivity, watershed resiliency, natural infrastructure, private land conservation - all pieces that contribute to a healthy environment. And if 2020 has shown us anything, it's the importance of healthy ecosystems.

We are very grateful for your support over this most challenging year. Thank you to those who have subscribed to our newsletter, downloaded our publications, shared our work on social media and contributed financially.

As 2020 comes to a close, and we look to the future with optimism and hope, please consider a contribution to Miistakis. You can support our newly established endowment fund that allows us to focus on mobilizing our research or you can provide support to any of our research programs. Your gift to either fund before the end of December qualifies for a 2020 charitable tax receipt.

We wish the very best to you for the holiday season and for 2021.
